VALVES IN LOW TEMPERATURE AND CRYOGENIC SERVICES 低温和超低温阀门 :MESC SPE 77/200日期:MESC技术规范 MESC SPECIFICATION DOCUMENT This document is restricted. Neither the whole nor any part of this document may be disclosed to any third party without the prior written consent of Shell Global Solutions International B.V., The Netherlands. The copyright of this document is vested in this company. All rights reserved. Neither the whole nor any part of this document may be reproduced, stored in any retrievals system or transmitted in any form or by any means (electronic, mechanical, reprographic, recording or otherwise) without the prior written consent of the copyright owner. 本规范是限制性文件。本公司拥有本规范版权并保留所有权利。MESC (Materials and Equipment Standards and Code) SPE documents reflect the views, at the time of publication, of:Shell Global Solutions International B.V. (Shell GSI)nd/orShell International Exploration and Production B.V. (SIEP)and/orother Shell Service Companies.They are based on the experience acquired during their involvement with the design, construction, operation and maintenance of processing unitsand facilities, and they are supplemented with the experience of Shell Operating Units. Where appropriate they are based on, or reference is madeto, international, regional, national and industry standards.The objective is to set the recommended standard for good design and engineering practice applied by Shell companies operating an oil refinery,gas handling installation, chemical plant, oil and gas production facility, or any other such facility, and thereby to achieve maximum technical andeconomic benefit from standardization.The information set forth in these publications is provided to Shell companies for their consideration and decision to implement. This is of particular importance where MESC SPEs may not cover every requirement or diversity of condition at each locality. The system of MESC SPEs is expectedo be sufficiently flexible to allow individual Operating Units to adapt the information set forth in MESC SPEs totheirownenvironmentandrequirements.When Contractors or Manufacturers/Suppliers use MESC SPEs they shall be solely responsible for the quality of work and the attainment of therequired design and engineering standards. In particular, for those requirements not specifically covered, the Principal will expect them to followthose practices, which will achieve the same level of integrity as reflected in the MESC SPEs. If in doubt, the Contractor or Manufacturer/Suppliershall, without detracting from his own responsibility, consult the Principal or its technical advisor.The right to use MESC SPEs is granted by Shell GSI, in most cases under Service Agreements primarily with Shell companies and othercompanies receiving technical advice and services from Shell GSI or another Shell Service Company. Consequently, three categories of users ofMESC SPEs can be distinguished: 1) Operating Units having a Service Agreement with Shell GSI or other Shell Service Company. The use of MESC SPEs by these Operating Unitsis subject in all respects to the terms and conditions of the relevant Service Agreement. 2) Other parties who are authorized to use MESC SPEs subject to appropriate contractualarrangements (whether as part of a Service Agreementor otherwise). 3) Contractors/subcontractors and Manufacturers/Suppliers under a contract with users referred to under 1) or 2) which requires that tenders forprojects, materials supplied or - generally - work performed on behalf of the said users comply with the relevant standards.Subject to any particular terms and conditions as may be set forth in specific agreements with users, Shell GSI disclaims any liability of whatsoevernature for any damage (including injury or death) suffered by any company or person whomsoever as a result of or in connection with the use,application or implementation of any MESC SPE, combination of MESC SPEs or any part thereof, even if it is wholly or partly caused by negligenceon the part of Shell GSI or other Shell Service Company. The benefit of this disclaimer shall inure in all respects to Shell GSI and/or any ShellService Company, or companies affiliated to these companies, that may issue MESC SPEs or require the use of MESC SPEs.Without prejudice to any specific terms in respect of confidentiality under relevant contractual arrangements, MESC SPEs shall not, without the priorwritten consent of Shell GSI, be disclosed by users to any company or person whomsoever and the MESC SPEs shall be used exclusively for theurpose for which they have been provided to the user. They shall be returned after use, including any copies, which shall only be made by userswith the express prior written consent of Shell GSI. The copyright of MESC SPEs vests in Shell GSI. Users shall arrange for MESC SPEs to be heldin safe custody and Shell GSI may at any time require information satisfactory to them in order to ascertain how users implement this requirement.All administrative queries should be directed to the MESC SPE Administrator in Shell GSI. PART I INTRODUCTION *章 引言 1 SCOPE 范围 2 DISTRIBUTION, INTENDED USE AND REGULATORY CONSIDERATIONS 发放、预期用途和法规考虑 3 DEFINITIONS 定义 4 CHANGES SINCE PREVIOUS EDITION 与前一版本的区别 1.5 COMMENTS ON THIS MESC SPE关于本规范的意见或建议 PART II VALVES IN LOW TEMPERATURE AND CRYOGENIC SERVICES 第二章 低温和超低温阀门 5 1. INTRODUCTION 引言 6 2. EXTENDED BONNET 加长阀盖 7 DESIGN 设计 8 MATERIALS 材料 9 3. PRODUCTION TESTING 生产测试 10 PRECONDITIONING 预处理 11 VALVE SELECTION 阀门选择 12 TEST EQUIPMENT 试验设备 13 PERSONNEL QUALIFICATION 人员资格 14 TEST FLUID 试验介质 15 TYPE OF COOLANT 冷却剂类型 16 TEST TEMPERATURE 试验温度 17 THERMOCOUPLES 热电偶 18 PRIOR TO TESTING 试验之前 19 TEST PROCEDURE 试验程序 20 POST-TEST ACTIVITIES 试验后活动 21 TEST REPORT 试验报告 22 4. MARKING 标识 A. ANNEX A: SAMPLING PLAN EXAMPLE (INFORMATIVE) 附录A:抽样计划实例(非正式) B. ANNEX B: MASS SPECTROMETERS (NORMATIVE) 附录B:质谱仪(正式) PART III REFERENCES 第三章 引用文件PART I INTRODUCTION *章 引言1.1 SCOPE 范围This MESC SPE specifies requirements for valves with a minimum design temperature between –196 °C (–321 °F)and –20 °C (–4 °F). 本规范对设计温度在–196 °C (–321 °F) 到 –20 °C(–4 °F)之间的阀门做出规定。his MESC SPE shall apply in addition to the applicable MESC Buying Description, purchase order or requisition sheet. 本规范在MESC采购要求、订单或者询价单的基础上使用。 he design requirements for the extended bonnet and the production test requirements have been contained in PartII of this MESC SPE. Other requirements are contained in the relevant base standard and applicable MESC SPEs(e.g. requirements for body cavity relief and anti blowout design). 加长阀盖和生产试验的设计要求包含在本规范第二部分。其他要求包含在相关的基本标准和适用的MESC SPE规范中,即阀体中腔泄压和防吹出阀杆设计。The requirements for valves not requiring an extended bonnet (i.e. non-operable valves), but with a minimum designtemperature below –30 °C (–22 °F) have not been contained in this MESC SPE. Non-operable valves with aminimum design temperature below –30 °C (–22 °F) shall undergo production testing in accordance with the basestandard and fugitive emission testing in accordance with MESC SPE 77/312. 低设计温度在–30 °C (–22 °F)以下的非加长阀盖阀门(不可操作的阀门)不适用本规范,其生产试验应符合基本标准,其逃逸排放试验应符合MESC SPE。1.2 DISTRIBUTION, INTENDED USE AND REGULATORY CONSIDERATIONS 发放、预期用途和法规考虑Unless otherwise authorised by Shell GSI, the distribution of this MESC SPE is confined to Shell companies and,where necessary, to Contractors and Manufacturers/Suppliers nominated by them. This MESC SPE is intended for use in oil refineries, chemical plants, gas plants, exploration and production facilitiesand, where applicable, supply/distribution installations. 本规范用于适用的炼油、化工厂、天然气厂及其生产设备和供应及输送装置。If national and/or local regulations exist in which some of the requirements may be more stringent than in this MESCSPE the Contractor shall determine by careful scrutiny which of the requirements are the more stringent and whichcombination of requirements will be acceptable with regards to safety, environmental, economic and legal aspects.In all cases the Contractor shall inform the Principal of any deviation from the requirements of this MESC SPE whichis considered to be necessary in order to comply with national and/or local regulations. The Principal may thennegotiate with the Authorities concerned, the objective being to obtain agreement to follow this MESC SPE as closely as possible. 在安全、环境、经济和法律方面,当地的国家或地区法规有可能比本规范更为严格,承包商需仔细研究对比,究竟何种规范的要求更严格,哪些要求可以合并而且得到双方的认可。如果为了满足当地法规而与本标准发生任何背离,承包商在任何情况下都应通知委托人。 然后委托人可能会跟有关当局进行协商, 以期达成尽可能与本 标准接近的结果。 1.3 DEFINITIONS 定义 The Contractor is the party that carries out all or part of the design, engineering, procurement, construction,commissioning or management of a project, or operation or maintenance of a facility. 承包商的任务是全部或部分负责设计、工程运行、采购、建设、试车、项目管理和设备操作或维护。The Principal may undertake all or part of the duties of the Contractor. 委托人可全部或部分承担承包人的任务。The Manufacturer/Supplier is the party that manufactures or supplies equipment and services to perform the dutiesspecified by the Contractor. 制造商/供应商的义务是制造或者供应设配或服务,以完成承包商的任务。 The Principal is the party that initiates the project and ultimay pays for its design and construction. 委托人的任务是发起项目并终支付设计和建设费用。 The Principal will generally specify the technical requirements. The Principal may also include an agent or consultantauthorised to act for, and on behalf of, the Principal. 委托人将总体提出技术要求。委托人也可以通过的代理人或咨询方代表委托人进行工作。The word shall indicates a requirement. 下文中的单词“必须”指一定要本按规范要求执行。 The word should indicates a recommendation. 下文中的单词“应该”指的是本规范的建议。。 1.4 CHANGES SINCE PREVIOUS EDITION 与前一版本的区别 The previous edition of this MESC SPE was dated June 2007. The only change is the addition of lagging extension lengths in table 1. 本规范的前一版本发布日期是2007年6月。*区别是增加了表1中加长保温套的长度。标准文件夹下张贴评论。 PART II VALVES IN LOW TEMPERATURE AND CRYOGENIC SERVICES 第二章 低温和超低温阀门 1. INTRODUCTION 引言The requirements specified in this part are applicable, in case “extended bonnet”and the designation of thisMESC SPE are specified. These requirements shall apply in addition to the design and testing requirements specifiedin the base standard of the valve and specified MESC SPEs. 本章只对加长阀盖并带有本规范号的阀门适用。在适用本章要求之前,阀门必须首先满足相应的基本标准和有关的MESC SPE规范的设计和实验要求。 2 2. EXTENDED BONNET 加长阀盖 3 DESIGN 设计 Valves shall be supplied with extended bonnets, meeting the minimum vapour space requirements as specified inTable 1. The length of the extension shall be sufficient to maintain the stem packing at a temperature high enough topermit operation within the normal temperature range of the packing material. 阀门必须带有加长阀盖,满足表一中小的91视频WWW免费下载空间要求。加长阀盖的长度必须足以使阀杆填料的温度保持在其允许操作温度区间内。 The vapour space for rising stem valves is defined as the distance between the bottom of the packing box and the topof the lower bonnet bush. The vapour space for quarter turn valves is defined as the distance between the bottom ofthe packing box and the top of the lower stem bearing. 升降式阀杆的阀门,其91视频WWW免费下载空间指从填料函底部到阀盖下衬套顶端。四分之一回转阀门的91视频WWW免费下载空间指填料函底部到阀杆下轴承的顶端。Valves shall be capable of operation with the valve stem within 30° from the vertical. 阀门必须能够在阀杆与垂线成30夹角时操作。Table 1 – Minimum vapour space and lagging length (bonnet extension) 1-小91视频WWW免费下载空间和保温套长度(加长阀盖)加长隔离对DN50(2”)及以上的闸阀截止阀无要求。加长保温套的长度从法兰边缘直径开始测量。Each extended bonnetshall be provided with an insulation collar/drip plate. The collar/drip plate shall be clamped-on the extended bonnetwith the bolting on the upper side to enable easy adjustment. The gap between the bonnet and the collar/drip plateshall be sealed to avoid condensation entering into the insulated area. 每个加长阀盖都必须带有隔离板。必须在顶部用 螺栓把隔离板夹住加长阀盖上,以便调节。隔离板和加长阀盖的间隙必须密封以避免91视频黄色网凝结后进入隔离区域。The bolt sizing of bolted body-to-bonnet connections shall be in accordance with ASME B16.34 and ASME VIIIDivision 1, Appendix 2. 阀体阀盖连接螺栓的规格必须依照ASME B16.34 和 ASME VIII*部分1,附录2.The diametrical clearance between the stem and the extended bonnet housing shall be minimised in order to reduceconvective heat losses. 阀杆和阀盖配合的径向间隙必须小化以减少热对流损失。Unless specified otherwise, the wall thickness shall meet the minimum wall thickness requirements of ASME B16.34,Section 6.1.3, for the applicable pressure class of the valve body. The wall thickness shall take into account thepressure stresses, as well as operating torque, stem thrust and bending stresses induced by handwheels, gears andpower actuators. 除非另有规定,适用的阀门阀体壁厚必须满足ASME B16.34章节 6.1.3的要求。壁厚必须考虑压应力、操作扭矩、阀杆的推力和手轮、齿轮、驱动装置等引起的弯曲应力。 The backseat of rising stem valves shall be located at the top of the extended bonnet. A stem guide bushing shall beapplied at the lower end of the extended bonnet. Quarter turn valves having a primary stem seal shall have it locatedjust below the packing box. 升降式阀杆阀门的上密封必须位于加长阀盖的顶部。阀杆导向衬套必须置于加长阀盖下端。带有阀杆初级密封的四分之一回转阀门,必须使阀杆初级密封直接位于填料函下方。 Unless specified otherwise, the operating manual force F required to operate the handwheel or lever shallnot exceed 360 N. However, for seating and unseating the valve, a maximum momentary force Fs is allowedin accordance with EN 12570, Clause 5.1. 除非另有规定,手轮或手柄上操作人力F不得超过360N。但是在进入密封或者脱离密封的时候,大的瞬间操作力Fs允许按照EN 12570第5.1条。。 2.2 MATERIALS 材料Unless specified otherwise, the extended bonnet shall be constructed from the same material as the valve body. 除非另有规定,加长阀盖必须和阀体使用相同材料。The extended bonnet may be cast, forged or fabricated. Fabricated extensions utilising tubing, shall incorporateseamless tubing and full penetration welding. 加长阀盖可以使铸件、锻件或组合件。用钢管制造的组合件必须是无缝管和焊透焊接。 1 3. PRODUCTION TESTING 生产试验 2 PRECONDITIONING 预处理The assembly of valve and extended bonnet shall successfully pass the ambient pressure tests as specified in theapplicable base standard as amended or supplemented by the applicable MESC SPE (e.g. ISO 10434 and MESCSPE 77/102).装配后的阀门和加长阀盖,必须按照被相关的MESC SPE修正或增补过的相应基本标准(即ISO 10434 和MESC SPE 77/102),成功通过环境压力试验,For valves with a minimum design temperature of ≥ –50°C (–58 °F), the Principal may approve a request to waive production testing in either of the following cases: 低设计温度≥ –50°C (–58 °F)的阀门,基于接到申请,委托人可能在下面任一情况下放弃生产试验: - The valve has successfully passed the low temperature prototype test in accordance with MESC SPE77/300. The test report shall not be older than 2 years. 阀门按照MESC SPE 77/300成功通过低温原型试验,且试验报 告未超过2年。 -Production testing has been carried out on the same valve type, design, pressure class, size, and under thesame test conditions, with consistent quality over the last 6 months. 在过去6个月中,具有相同设计、口径、压力的相同种类的阀门,在相同的试验条件下,通过生产试验并且质量稳定。 1 VALVE SELECTION 阀门选择 2 Lot definition 批次的定义 Unless specified otherwise, the lot for each inspection campaign, from which the test samples are drawn, is definedas all valves part of the same purchase order, manufactured in the same manufacturing locations, having the sameugitive emission class, of the same valve type, design, size, pressure class and minimum design temperature. 除非另有规定,抽检时所谓的同一批次的阀门是指:同一订单,同一制造场所,相同的逃逸排放等级,相同阀种、相同设计、相同的口径、压力和小设计温度。 Actual sample size shall be rounded-up to the next whole number with amaximum total sample size of 10 % of the whole purchase order (rounded-up to the next whole number) 实际抽样数量必须圆整到下一整数,但大总抽样数量不超过整个订单的10%( 圆整到下一整数) 。 1 Sample size 抽样数量The purchase order quantity per minimum design temperature range (X) and theminimum design temperature determine how many samples (n) shall be drawn from each lot, as indicated in Table 2.The sample strategy shall be determined in accordance with this table, which also indicates how many failed production tests per lot are acceptable (acceptance number, Ac). 相同低设计温度的阀门的订货数量和低设计温度决定了每批阀门的抽样数量,具体见表2。抽样方法必须按照表2,表2也给出了每批阀门生产试验失败的可接受数量。 3.2.3 Sample selection 样品选择 The samples shall be selected at random from each lot. 抽样必须从每批中随机选取。 3.2.4 Lot acceptance 批次合格 The lot shall be accepted, when each tested valve meets the acceptance criteria. In case a valve fails, the lotshall be rejected. The valve(s) that failed the test shall be repaired and retested. Additional valves shall be drawn fromthe failed lot in accordance with Table 2. Upon subsequent rejection, the failed valve(s) shall be repaired and retestedand the retest shall contain all valves from the lot. 当一个批次下每台阀门的试验都符合合格标准,则该批次合格。 2 Example 示例 An example to explain the lot definition, sample strategy and lot acceptance is contained in the informative Annex A. 非正式附录A给出了一个示例,用以解释批次的定义、抽样方法和批次合格。 3.3 TEST EQUIPMENT 试验设备 The test rig shall be designed taking into consideration all HSE precautions that ensure robustness of the test rigand safety to personnel and environment. All test equipment shall have a valid calibration certificate, which shall notbe older than 1 year. A suitable test rig is shown in Figure 1. 设计试验装置时必须考虑所有的HSE(健康、安全和环境)预防措施,确保试验装置牢固,对人员和环境安全。所有的试验设备必须有有效的检定证书,检定时间在在1年之内。 Valves with an actuat or may be tested with or without the actuator installed. The Manufacturer shall demonstratethat the specified margin between available torque and required torque is met. 电动阀门试验时可带可不带电动执行器。制造商必须演示证明有效扭矩超过必需扭矩,留有一定的余地。Rising stem and quarter turn valves shall be tested with the stem in the vertical position. 升降式阀杆阀门和四分之一回转阀门试验时阀杆必须处于垂直方向。Brackets, to support the valve in the test rig, may be fixed to the valve end flanges or clamped to the body. Nobrackets shall be mounted on the extended bonnet. 把阀门固定在试验装置上的托架可以固定边法兰或者夹住阀体The range of the pressure gauges shall not exceed twice the maximum test pressure. All digital indicators shall havefull-scale reading. The range of the leakage-measuring device shall not exceed 10 times the maximum allowableleakage rate. 压力表量程不得超过大试验压力的两倍。所有数字显示器必须可全量程显示。 Torque measurements shall be carried out using a calibrated direct reading type torque wrench. 扭矩必须用检定过的可直接读数的扭矩扳手测量。 3.4 PERSONNEL QUALIFICATION 人员资格 Operators shall have a minimum Leak Testing qualification level LT1 in accordance with EN 473. Alternativequalifications in accordance with ASNT SNT-TC-1A or ISO 9712 are also acceptable. Other qualifications are subject to the approval of the Principal. 操作人员必须持有EN 473 LT1级的泄漏试验证书。ASNTSNT-TC-1A 或者SO 9712证书也可接受。其他证书需经委托人批准方可。 Fugitive emissions shall be measured with a mass spectrometer. Accepted makes and types are listed in Annex B.In case the operator has a Leak Testing qualification level LT1 in accordance with EN 473, the operator shall select the equipment from Annex B. 逃逸性排放必须用质谱仪检测,质谱仪的合格制造商和规格见附录B. 如果操作人员持有EN 473 LT1级泄漏试验证书,试验设备必须从附录中选取。 3.5 TEST FLUID 试验介质 The test fluid shall be helium. However, a test fluid of pure nitrogen or 99 % nitrogen mixed with 1 % heliummay be used for seat testing at temperatures ≥ –110 °C (–166 °F). 试验介质必须是氦。但是,对于温度≥ –110 °C (–166 °F)的阀座试验,介质也可以使纯氮或者99%的氮混合1%的氦。 3.6 TYPE OF COOLANT 冷却剂的类型 The type of coolant for testing at temperatures > –196 °C (–321 °F) shall be nitrogen gas, while for testing ata temperature of –196 °C(–321 °F) the type of coolant shall be liquid nitrogen. The Manufacturer may use othercooling methods, subject to the approval by the Principal. 试验温度> –196 °C (–321 °F)时,冷却剂必须是氮气;试验温度为–196 °C (–321 °F)时,冷却剂必须是液氮。制造商可以其他冷却方法时,需事先获得委托人批准。 2 TEST TEMPERATURE 试验温度 The test temperature shall be in accordance with the minimum design temperature specified on the MESC BuyingDescription. 试验温度必须符合MESC采购单中规定的低设计温度。 The test temperature shall be maintained within a tolerance of ± 5 % or ± 5 °C (9 °F) whichever is less. 温度公差为± 5 %和± 5 °C (9 °F)中较小的那个。 3.8 THERMOCOUPLES 热电偶 At least one thermocouple shall be attached to the valve body. A second thermocouple shall be attached tothe valve packing area. A third thermocouple shall be installed inside the valve, close to the closure member. Alternatively, if this is impractical, it shall be attached to the outlet of the pressure tubing. 阀体上必须至少放置一个热电偶。第二个热电偶必须放置于阀门填料区域。第三个热电偶必须置于阀门内部,靠近密封件。如果放不进去,则必须放在压力管的出口处。 2 PRIOR TO TESTING 试验之前 Degrease and dry the valve components and assemble the valve in a clean, dust-free and grease-free environment. No coating is allowed on test valves, except for the primer coating. 在清洁、无尘、无油的环境中对阀门零件除油并干 燥,然后装配。 1 TEST PROCEDURE 试验程序 2 General 概述 Rising stem and quarter turn valves shall undergo a seat leakage and operational test in accordance with Clause 3.10.2. Check valves shall undergo a seat leakage and operational test in accordance with Clause 3.10.3. Valves having a fugitive emission class specified shall also undergo a fugitive emission test in accordance with Clause 3.10.4. 升降式阀杆和四分之一回转阀门必须能够满足条款3.10.2中的规定的密封泄漏试验和操作试验的要求。止回阀必须能够满足条款3.10.3中规定的密封泄漏试验和操作试验的要求。带有逃逸性排放等级的阀门,必须按条款3.10.4进行逃逸性排放试验。 The test shall be considered failed when any of the acceptance criteria are not met. 如验收标准中的任何一条未得到满足,必须认为试验失败。 3.10.2 Seat leakage and operational tests for on/off valves (开关两位)截断阀的密封泄漏试验和操作试验 a) Prior to the cooling operation, the closure member of metal-seated valves may be set in the half open position,while for soft-seated valves the closure member shall be in the fully open position. Apply a purge of helium or nitrogen gas and operate the valve during the purging process to ensure that all internal cavities are purged. 在冷却操作之前, 硬密封阀门的关闭件可处于半开启位置,但是软密封阀门的关闭件必须处于全开启位置。用氦气或者氮气向阀门充气,并在充气过程中开关阀门,确保内腔所有位置都已充气。 b) Cool down the valve by immersing it in the coolant medium to a depth such that the level of the coolant covers ateast the top of the valve body-to-bonnet joint. Maintain a purge of helium or nitrogen gas throughoutthe cooling operation. 将阀门浸泡在冷却液中进行冷却,浸泡的深度是:冷却液水平面至少达到阀体和阀盖的连接处。在冷却过程 中保持氦气或者氮气持续充气。 c) When the valve body and bonnet are at the designated test temperature, the purge of helium or nitrogen gas shallbe turned off. Take temperature measurements by means of the thermocouples to ensure uniform temperature of the valve. 当阀体和阀盖冷却到试验温度时,关掉充气的氦气或氮气。用热电偶来测量温度,确保整个阀门处于相同的温度。 d) With the test fluid flowing through the (partially) open valve, close the valve closure member and increase thepressure to 2 bar (ga) [29 psi]. After pressure and leakage stabilisation has occurred,measure and record the seatleakage (side A). For upstream seating trunnion mounted ball valves, the seat leakage shall be measured andecorded through the valve cavity. Prior to pressurisation, ensure that the purge of helium or nitrogen gas is zero. Thepressure shall be reduced compley to atmospheric after completion of the seat test. 随着试验介质流经(部分地)开启的阀门,关闭阀门使压力增至2 bar [29 psi]. 当压力和泄漏量稳定后,测量并记录密封试验的泄漏量 (A面)。对于进口端密封的固定球阀,必须从中腔检漏。在施压前,确保氦气或者氮气的进气量为零。密封试验完成后,压力必须*降 到大气压。 e) Repeat 3.10.2-d, though increase the pressure to 50 % of the maximum rated pressure at the test temperature. 重步骤3.10.2-d,但是在试验温度下把压力增至大额定压力的50%。 f) Repeat 3.10.2-d, though increase the pressure to 100 % of the maximum rated pressure at the test temperature.After the seat test maintain the pressure. 重复步骤,但是在试验温度把压力下增至大额定压力的99%。在密封试验结束后,仍保持压力。 g) Fully open the valve against full differential pressure and fully close it again. Measure and record the torque required opening the valve. Then fully open and fully close the valve 4 times. Measure and record the opening and closing forces of the final operation. 全压差下打开阀门至全开启位置,然后再次关闭。测量并记录打开阀门所需扭矩。然后全开全关阀门四次。测量并记录后一次的打开和关闭阀门的力。h) For bi-directional valves only, reduce the pressure compley and partially open the valve. Then repeat steps 3.10.2-d, 3.10.2-e, 3.10.2-f and 3.10.2-g for the opposite seat (side B). 对于双向阀门,压力*降到零并部分开启阀门。然后重复步骤3.10.2-d, The acceptance criteria for the operational tests shall be in accordance with clause 2.1. The acceptance criteria forthe seat leakage tests shall be in accordance with Table 3. 操作试验的验收标准按条款2.1. 密封试验3.10.3 Seat leakage and operational tests for check valves 止回阀的密封试验和操作试验 a) Set-up the valve in the normal flow direction. 阀门处于正常流向。 b) Prior to the cooling operation, apply a purge of helium or nitrogen gas through the valve. 冷却之前,用氦气或氮气 充气。 c) Cool down the valve compley by immersing it in the coolant medium. Maintain a purge of helium or nitrogen gasthroughout the cooling operation. 将阀门*浸入冷却剂进行冷却。冷却过程中保持氦气或氮气充气。 d) When the valve body and cover are at the designated test temperature, the purge of helium or nitrogen gas shallbe turned off. Take temperature measurements by means of the thermocouples to ensure uniform temperature of the valve. 当阀体阀盖降至温度,关掉氦气或氮气。用热电偶测量温度,确保整个阀门温度相同。 e) With the test fluid flowing through the valve in the normal flow direction, unseat and seat the valve 1 time. Thenincrease the pressure to 2 bar(g) (29 psi) in the non-flow direction with the test fluid flowing in the non-flow direction.After pressure and leakage stabilisation has occurred, measure and record the seat leakage in the non-flow direction.The pressure shall be reduced compley to atmospheric after completion of the seat test. 试验介质按正常方向流经 阀门,开关阀门一次。然后按止回阀逆流方向,增压到2 bar(29 psi)。当压力和泄漏量稳定后,测量并记录密封泄漏量。 密封试验结束后,压力必须*降到大气压。 f) Repeat 3.10.3-e, though increase the pressure to 50 % of the maximum rated pressure at the test temperature. 重复3.10.3-e,但是在试验温度下把压力增至大额定压力的50%。在密封试验结束后,仍保持压力。 g) Repeat 3.10.3-e, though increase the pressure to 100 % of the maximum rated pressure at the test temperature.重复3.10.3-e,但是在试验温度下把压力增至大额定压力的99%。The acceptance criteria for the seat leakage tests shall be in accordance with Table 3. 密封试验的泄漏率验收标准按Table 3 – Maximum allowable seat leakage rates 表3-大允许密封泄漏率 Soft-seated mm³/s x DMetal-seated mm³/sx DN 软密封 (立方毫米/秒 x 口 硬密封(立方毫米/秒 x 口径) Gate, Globe, Ball or Butterfly valve 3.10.4 Fugitive emission test逃逸性排放试验1.Maximum allowable seat leakage rate for control valves shall comply with IEC 60534-4, Table III. 调节阀的大允许密封 泄漏率按IEC 60534-4, 表III。2.Preferred flow direction (butterfly valves). 流向(蝶阀)。3.Non-preferred flowdirection (butterfly valves). 非流向(蝶阀)。4.Nominal size, DN, in accordance with ISO 6708. a) Partially open the test valve and pressurise to 100 % of the maximum rated pressure at the test temperature. Then close the valve compley. After a stabilisation period of 15 minutes for valves having a fugitive emission class A(HS) and 10 minutes for valves having a fugitive emission class B. 将试验阀门部分开启,在试验温度下加压到100 %大额定压力。然后*关闭 阀门。然后将阀门在该压力下稳定一定的时间,逃逸性排放*稳定15分钟,逃逸性排放B级稳定 10分钟。 b) Lift the valve from the cooling tank and measure and record the stem leakage by using the sniffing method in accordance with ISO 15848-1, Annex B. The scanning distance and rate shall be in accordance with ASME V, Article 10, Appendix IV. 将阀门从冷却箱中提起,按标准ISO 15848-1附录B中的嗅探法测量和记录阀杆泄漏量。Measure and record the leakage from the body seals (all potential leak paths, like drain, vent and body joint connections) using the sniffing method in accordance with ISO 15848-1, Annex B. The scanning distance and rate shall be in accordance with ASME V, Article 10, Appendix IV.按 标准ISO 15848-1附录B中的嗅探法,检查阀体密封处(所有可能泄漏的地方,如排污阀,排气阀和 阀体结合部等),测量和记录泄漏量。扫描的距离和速度必须满足ASME V, 第10章, 附录IV. The maximum stem seal leakage shall be in accordance with Table 1 of MESC SPE 77/312, and the maximum body seal leakage shall be in accordance with Table 2 of MESC SPE 77/312. 阀杆密封大泄漏量必须符合标准MESC SPE 77/312中的表1,阀体密封处的大泄漏量必须符 合标准MESC SPE 77/312中的表 Only one mechanical adjustment of the valve gland bolting or stem seals is allowed. The test report shall show the locations and timing of the mechanical adjustment(s). The test shall also be considered as failed, in case the test valve underwent more than one mechanical adjustment. 只允许对阀门压盖螺栓或者是阀杆密封进行一次机械调整。试验报告必须显示进行机械调整的位置 和时间。如果与试验中对阀门进行了不止一次的机械调整,那么试验必须被认为是失败的。 3.11 POST-TEST ACTIVITIES 试验后活动 After the fugitive emission test, reduce the pressure compley and return the valve to ambient temperature. Applying hot-air blowers or heaters to warm-up the valve is not allowed. 逃逸性排 放试验结束后,将压力全部放掉,并将阀门恢复到环境温度。不允许使用使用热空气吹风机或者加 热器升高阀门的温度. Except for soft-seated ball valves, for which the closure member shall be in the fully open position, the closure member shall be in the half open position. 软密封球阀的关闭件必须处于全 开启位置,其他阀门的关闭件必须处于半开启位置。 The valve shall be thoroughly cleaned, dried and visually inspected after completion of the test. 试验完成后,阀门必须*整理干净、干燥并 要进行目检。 3.12 TEST REPORT 试验报告 The test report shall include the following information试验报 告中必须包含以下的信息: - Conditions of the valve parts after the test. 试验后的阀门零件情况 - Torque applied to the valve body, bonnet and gland bolting. 应用在阀门阀体,阀盖和压盖 螺栓上面的扭矩 - Results of seat leakage, operational and fugitive emission tests. 密封试验,操作试验和逃 逸性排放试验的结果 - Valve body temperature throughout the test.整个试验过程中阀体的温度 - Record that the valve has unseated and seated. 记录阀门进行了密封操作和脱离密封操 作。 - Record any other measurements or observations made during the course of the test. 记录 试验过程中任何其他测量或观察结果。 -Valve identification details (e.g. model, type, design standard, valve dimensions, pressure class and MESC number). 阀门识别信息(即:型号,类型,设计标准,阀门尺寸,压力等级和MESC - Materials of the body, seat and seat facing (if applicable). 阀体,阀座和阀座密封面材料(如 果适用)。 - Designation of this MESC SPE. 本规范编号。 - Purchase order reference number. 采购订单号。 - Manufacturer’s identification. 供应商的识别。 In addition to the marking in accordance with the base standard, each valve of the accepted lot shall be marked the designation of this MESC SPE and the minimum design temperature for which the valve is suitable (e.g. MESC SPE 77/200 –196 °C) and with the applicable fugitive emission class, 除了要满足基础标准的标识以外,被接受的批次中的每台阀门都必须标有本规范编号和低设计温 度(即:MESC SPE 77/200 –196 °C),和相应的逃逸性排放等级A. ANNEX A: SAMPLING PLAN EXAMPLE (INFORMATIVE) A. 附录A:抽样计划实例(非正式)A typical purchaseorder for gate valves with fugitive emission class B is given in Table A.1. The total number of valves is 50. Fortemperature range –50 °C≤ T ≤ –30 °C, the purchase order quantity (X) is 39. In accordance with Table 2, asample percentage of 3 % per lot (rounded-up to the next whole number) shall be taken. For temperature T < –50 °C the purchase order quantity (X) is 11. In accordance with Table 2 a sample percentage of 10 % per lot(rounded-up to the next whole number) shall be taken. 表A.1.中给出了一个典型的闸阀采购订单,其逃逸性排放排放等级为B。阀门的总数量是50台。温度范围为–50 ° C≤ T≤ –30 °C的阀门数量(X)是39台. 依照表2,抽样比例必须是总数的3 % (圆整到下一个整数)。温度范围T < –50 °C 的阀门数量(X)是11台. 依照表2,抽样比例必须是总数的10 % (圆整到下一个整数). In accordance with the note of Table 2, the maximum number of valves to be tested is 10 % per purchase order(rounded-up to the next whole number), i.e. 4 valves for the purchase order containing 39 valves (larger thannumber of test valves per Table A.1) and 2 valves for the purchase order containing 11 valves (equal to number of 依照表2的备注, 需试验的阀门数量多为采购订单的10 % (需圆整到下一个整数), 即:订单39台中需试验4台(该试验数量比表A.1大),总数量11台订单的阀门必须检验2台 (该检验数量与表A.1相同). The valves shall be selected at random from each lot (number of valves in accordance with Table A.1) and tested in accordance with the test procedure specified in clauses 3.10.2 and 3.10.4. Each tested valve shall meet the acceptance criteria. 这些阀门需从每一批阀门中随机选取 (选取的数量依照表A.1的要求),并且依照条款3.10.2和 3.10.4 的试压程序进行试验。每台被检阀门都必须满足验收标准. In case there is a failure in any of the tests, for instance the test valve representing the second lot containing12 valves, then the lot is rejected and the failed valve shall be repaired and retested. In addition, anothervalve shall be drawn at random from the lot and tested. Upon subsequent rejection, the lot is rejected andthe failed valve(s) shall be repaired and retested. In addition, all valves from that lot have to be retested (andrepaired) until all valves pass the tests. 如果被检阀门的某个试验失败,例如该阀门包含在第二批次的12台阀门中,那么该批次被拒收,而且试验失败的那台阀门必须被维修和重新试验。此外, 需随机从这个批次中随机另取一台阀门进行试验。如果再被拒收,该批次阀门都被拒收,而且试验失败的那台阀门必须被维修和重新试验。另外,该批中的所有阀门都必须被重新试验(和维修),直到所有的阀门都通过试验。 B. ANNEX B: MASS SPECTROMETERS (NORMATIVE) B. 附录B:质谱仪(正式)The following mass spectrometers have been selected as suitable for testing in accordance with this specification: 本规范选用下列适用质谱仪: - Alca Models 122, 142, 182 or192. - BOC Edwards Spectron 300E. - Inficon Model UL-1000. -Leybold-Heraeus Models UL-M2, UL-100+, 200, 200+ or QT100. - Pfeiffer Qualitest HLT 260. - Ulvac Model 300P. - Shimadzu NST-100. - Varian Models 938-41, 969-3570, V70-LP or V70-D. PART III REFERENCES 第三章 引用文件 In this MESC SPE, reference is made to the following publications: 本规范中,参考文件是由以下文件组成:NOTES: 备 注 1 1. Unless specifically designated by date, the latest edition of each publication shall be used, together with any amendments/supplements/revisions thereto. 除非版本的日期,所有引用文件均指版本,包含其的更正/补充/修订。 2 2. Most of the referenced external standards are available to Shell staff on the SWW (Shell Wide Web) at 引用的大部分外部标准,壳牌员工都可以在SWW (壳牌万维网)中找到,是:Fugitive emission production testing to ISO 15848-2 Valves – Flanged, threaded, and welding end ASME B16.34:2004 ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code – Non-Destructive Exami nation ASME V ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code –Rules for construction of pressurevessels American Society of Mechanical Engineers ThreePark Avenue, M/S 10E New York, NY Recommended Practice No. SNT-TC-1A ASNT SNT-TC-1AIssued by: American Society for Nondestructive Testing PO Box 28518 1711Arlingate Lane Columbus, OH 43228-0518 USA EUROPEAN STANDARDS Non-Destructive Testing - Qualification and Certification of NDT Personnel EN 473 Industrial valves – Method for sizing the operating equipment EN 12570:2000 Issued by: Commité Européen de Normalisation Secrétariat Central Rue de Stassart 36 B-1050 Brussels Belgium Copies can also be obtained from national standards organizations.INTERNATIONAL STANDARDS Industrial process control valves – Part 4: Inspection and routineesting. IEC 60534-4 Issued by: Central Office of the IEC 3, Rue de Varembé CH 1211 Geneva 20Switzerland Copies can also be obtained from national standards organizations. Pipework Components - Definition and Selection of DN (Nominal Size) ISO 6708 Non-destructive testing — Qualification and certification of personnel ISO 9712 Bolted bonnet steel gate valves for the petroleum, petrochemical and allied ISO 10434industries Industrial valves –Measurement, test and qualification procedures for fugitive ISO15848-1:2006emissions –Part 1: Classification system and qualification procedures for type testing of valvesIssued by: ISO Central Secretariat 1, ch. de la Voie-Creuse Case postale 56CH-1211 Genève 20 Switzerland Copies can also be obtained from nationalstandards organizations. |