1.0 | locations and general requirements of valves阀门安装地点及总体要求 | |
1.1 | locations of valves阀门安装地点 | 6#阀室 |
1.2 | Valve tag number阀门位置编号 | GOV0101 |
1.3 | Quantity 需要数量 | 1 |
1.4 | Standards required规范 | See technical specification 见技术规格书 |
1.5 | Valve locations and function 阀门安装位置和功能 | under-ground/outdoor/block 地下/室外/截断功能 |
1.6 | Valve nominal size阀门公称尺寸 | 18″ |
1.7 | Maximum operating pressure大工作压力 | 4.0MPa |
1.8 | Maximum differential pressure 阀门两端大压力差 | 4.0MPa |
1.9 | Shop test pressure 工厂试验压力 | See technical specification见技术规格书 |
1.10 | Valve pressure class 阀门压力等级 | 4.0MPa |
1.11 | Maximum/ minimum environment temperature 高/低大气温度 | -40.4~40.4℃ |
1.12 | Flow medium temperature介质温度 | 5~30℃ |
1.13 | Flow medium composition 流动介质组分 | 天然气See technical specification见技术规格书 |
1.14 | Special flow requirement 特殊流动要求 | 通清管器 |
2.0 | VALVE 阀门 | |
2.1 | Type of valve阀门类型 | Ball valve 球阀 |
2.2 | Design type(s)结构型式 | 全通径/固定球/全焊接阀体 |
2.3 | Seal type(s)密封形式 | 见技术规格书 |
2.4 | Minimum bore size小孔径 | |
3.0 | END CONNECTIONS 连接端 | |
3.1 | Upstream/Downstream pipe 上、下游接管 | D457×8 |
3.2 | Flange or weld end?法兰连接或焊接? | 焊接连接 |
3.3 | Pipe material 接管材质 | L360 (GB/T9711.2-1999) |
3.4 | Special requirement of transition piece. 阀门两端袖管的特殊要求。 | 500mm |
4.0 | VALVE SUPPORT阀门支撑 | |
4.1 | Support are required? 是否需要阀门支撑? | 是 |
5.1 | Method of driven? 驱动方式? | 气液联动(带手摇泵)驱动 |
5.2 | Length of Extend stem? 加长杆长度? | 3.2m(阀门中心线至执行机构底部法兰) |
5.3 | Locking device required? 是否需要加锁装置? | 否 |
5.4 | Additional testing补充试验项目 | See technical specification见技术规格书 |
5.5 | NACE MR01-75 | 否 |
5.6 | Pressure relief?是否需要放空装置? | 见技术规格书 |
5.7 | Drain connections: any requirements?排污连接口:是否有其它要求 | 见技术规格书 |
5.8 | Valve surface painted color 阀门喷漆颜色 | 浅灰 |
Note注:1.本数据单应与球阀技术技术规格书,执行机构技术规格书、数据单配合使用。此数据单须经设计后确认才能作为订货依据。 |